End clients and building strong brands
Developing efficient value chains
Developing and enhancing products and services that cater for actual needs
Ensuring that the organisation has sufficient competence, experience and capacity to do what is required to achieve the goals in the next 1–3 years.
Stokke Industri will help create safe and inclusive working environments with exciting development opportunities for employees. All activities must conform with applicable laws and regulations. We will promote respect for the individual, equality and diversity, and we will work to combat all forms of harassment and discrimination.
We expect our portfolio companies to map their working environment through annual employee surveys and to actively strive to improve the working environment in their operations.
Stokke Industri is committed to ensuring the best possible corporate governance in our own company and in our portfolio companies. We attach importance to clearly defined lines of responsibility and ensuring that information is disseminated, decisions are made and work is carried out by appropriately qualified individuals and bodies. The shareholders, board, management and organisation in particular play a key role here, but corporate governance also encompasses other important stakeholders such as clients, suppliers and public authorities. All activities must take place within the statutory and regulatory frameworks and aim to achieve the highest international standards.
Stokke Industri must have a high ethical standard in everything we do. For fund investments, we will primarily choose managers who have signed up to and follow the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).
Stokke Industri will help reduce environmental impacts through environmental measures and environmentally friendly solutions within our investments. We will strive to ensure that our portfolio companies actively address environmental challenges in their operations and their products and services, including through:
high-quality, client-oriented products and services with a long working life
efficient resource utilisation including energy, raw materials, land areas and water
reducing pollution including greenhouse gas emissions
waste handling
an environmentally friendly supplier chain
developing environmentally friendly technologies