An active owner and investor

We will continue to be a driver of growth that creates development and sustainability for society.
Our approach is founded on extensive industrial and financial experience. We contribute capital, competence and networks for our investments in industry, real estate and finance. We are prudent about debt and guarantees and focus on genuine long-term increases in value.

Driving the value of the future.

We look for investments that fit our philosophy.
When we find them we do all we can to generate development and sustainable growth. We will be a driver for growth – growth that generates value for society and future generations. Profitable growth creates vitality, the financial wherewithal to solve the challenges of the future and an exciting workplace that attracts skilled people.

What do we contribute?

Our approach is founded on extensive industrial and financial experience. We contribute capital, competence and networks for our investments in industry, Real Estate and finance.
As an active owner and investor, we focus on innovation, ability to deliver and profitable growth in the projects we invest in. We are a long-term owner and build brick by brick to take companies and investments to the next level. We focus on investments that create value for society, the company, our partners and future generations.

What is our philosophy?

Dynamic development

We believe in profitable growth and the dynamics this generates. We will focus on finding the right companies and environments where we can jointly create such growth. We leverage our experience of international industrial development to generate growth and innovation wherever we invest and participate. 

As an active owner with the ability to deliver we create results for society, our partners, the companies and Stokke Industri.


We believe in generosity and respect for people and ideas. We want to build strong, long-term relationships. We will be a solid and reliable partner. Generosity and respect contribute to positive development of employees, work processes, ideas and products. Trust is important. We have to earn it.

Long- term perspective

We have built international success stories before and know what is required. It takes time to develop companies and projects.

We think long-term and carefully consider risk in everything we do. Building brick by brick means we cannot stand still. We will drive the implementation of strategies and plans. This will enable us to realise clear, long-term ambitions.

We take along-term approach and develop sustainable and competitive companies and investments together with our partners.

Long-term industrial development
since 1932.

Founded by Georg Stokke and Bjarne Møller.


Wholly owned by Georg Stokke – Stokke Fabrikker AS.


Kåre Stokke takes over. Growth through acquisitions and start-ups of distribution companies across Europe.


Rune Stokke takes over. Restructuring – Stokke Gruppen AS.


New strategy and structure – focus on children.


Stokke AS is sold.


Assets under management of
BNOK 4.0.


Stokke Industri AS is a family company owned by Rune Stokke, Maria Loen and Ole Igor, Sara and Alejandra Loen Stokke. The company’s ethos is founded on attitudes and values created by the Stokke and Ulstein family companies. Georg Stokke started in 1932. Martin Ulstein started in 1917.
Stokke’s history dates back to 1932. Although the investment company Stokke Industri was only founded in 2014 when it embarked on a new course to create value, we are proud of our background. Many of these eras are well documented in various publications. Find out more under:

Key figures

We have a net asset value of BNOK 4.0. Our main activity is corporate investments representing 45 per cent of the company’s net asset value.

Why Stokke Industri?

We adopt along-term industrial approach to what we do. With a focus on active ownership and an active development board, we believe it is vital to spend time with management to establish a focused strategy and specific action plans, and engage in ongoing dialogue with the CEO and CFO.

As owner we focus on:


End clients and building strong brands


Developing efficient value chains


Developing and enhancing products and services that cater for actual needs


Ensuring that the organisation has sufficient competence, experience and capacity to do what is required to achieve the goals in the next 1–3 years.

We adopt a long ownership horizon and are willing to make the necessary investments in the product, market and organisation to realise our established strategy. Stokke Industri wishes to be an active contributor, not just invest funds.

ESG policy

Our vision is to drive the value of the future. That is why Stokke Industri looks for sustainable investments that create lasting value for society and future generations.
Our vision is founded on the experiences and attitudes we have built up over 90 years of working in industry, and we will manage our investments on that basis.

We believe that profitable growth is a prerequisite for solving the challenges of the future and creating an exciting workplace that attracts skilled people. We believe that companies that strive to improve the environment through more efficient resource utilisation will enjoy a competitive edge, better profitability and better risk-adjusted returns over the long term. 
As a responsible and long-term industrial owner, we will contribute to sustainable value creation by actively addressing ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) issues in our investments. That is why we look for investments and partners who share our values and attitudes. We believe that exercising our ownership role in a responsible manner together with other owners, management and employees maximises opportunities to make a positive difference in relation to the environment, social conditions and sound corporate governance.

Based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we will adopt a holistic ESG perspective in all we do, including assessment of new investments and our work with existing investments. We will demand that our portfolio companies understand and manage their challenges and opportunities around ESG, and that they have ambitions and goals for genuine and actual improvements. This is best achieved through specific and measurable actions in each company and regular reporting.
Statement according to Transparency Act >


Stokke Industri will help reduce environmental impacts through environmental measures and environmentally friendly solutions within our investments. We will strive to ensure that our portfolio companies actively address environmental challenges in their operations and their products and services, including through:


high-quality, client-oriented products and services with a long working life


efficient resource utilisation including energy, raw materials, land areas and water


reducing pollution including greenhouse gas emissions


waste handling


an environmentally friendly supplier chain


developing environmentally friendly technologies


Social conditions

Stokke Industri will help create safe and inclusive working environments with exciting development opportunities for employees. All activities must conform with applicable laws and regulations. We will promote respect for the individual, equality and diversity, and we will work to combat all forms of harassment and discrimination.  

We expect our portfolio companies to map their working environment through annual employee surveys and to actively strive to improve the working environment in their operations.


Corporate governance

Stokke Industri is committed to ensuring the best possible corporate governance in our own company and in our portfolio companies. We attach importance to clearly defined lines of responsibility and ensuring that information is disseminated, decisions are made and work is carried out by appropriately qualified individuals and bodies. The shareholders, board, management and organisation in particular play a key role here, but corporate governance also encompasses other important stakeholders such as clients, suppliers and public authorities. All activities must take place within the statutory and regulatory frameworks and aim to achieve the highest international standards.

Stokke Industri must have a high ethical standard in everything we do. For fund investments, we will primarily choose managers who have signed up to and follow the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).